Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

I Love Swimming

I like sport but only some of sports that I like. They are swimming, badminton and basketball. I love swimming better than badminton and basketball because many people said that swimming can help us to be taller and I want to be a tall women. Although basketball can help us to be taller but I think it so hard to practice. So, I choose swimming because it is more simple, easier and nicer than basketball.

Before I could swimm, I thought that swimming was difficult and I couldn’t to do it. But after I tried and practiced regularly, I can do it now. I want to express my special thanks to my friends, who has helped me to learn and practice it. Since that time, I often go swimming with my friend to a swimming pool in my hometown. Recently, I seldom go swimming because of my campus activities. I hope I can swimm again in my spare time.

4 komentar:

  1. berenang bisa mempercepat pertumbuhan....
    cocok bgt buat tata

  2. hhhahahahaha,.,., me too,., I also love swimming,., andz lho blajar renang baru kls 2 kmaren, hhahaha,.,., cuma 2X3 jam andz blajarnya, truz dah bisa, hummm, insyaALLAH snen bsk andz mw renang rncananya,., hhehehe,.,, ni tata pinter bhs ing yah, hhahahaha,., ajarin dunk,.,.!!! :D

  3. hy there.. can you give me some lesson to swim?

    i hope i can swim too.....

  4. i have practiced, what you have told me about swim...
    but i can't swim...
